“In nature there is a fundamental unity running through all the diversity we see about us.” 
– Mahatma Gandhi, 1924

At Conservation Foundation of the Gulf Coast, we protect land and water for the benefit of people and nature. We believe people of every skin color, religion, gender identity, orientation, and economic status should be able to experience the benefits of public open space equitably. Nature should be a safe and welcoming refuge for everyone.

Acts of violence against any people or persons are antithetical to the community-centered values of our organization, and justice for our fellow community members is essential to strengthening our resilience in the face of climate change. Just as we are trusted with the stewardship of our shared lands, so too must we safeguard those with whom we share these places and rally against oppression wherever it occurs.

Our vision for the human and natural worlds of Southwest Florida to flourish together remains out of reach if our communities cannot flourish together first. We commit to doing our part to bring diversity and inclusion not just to the great outdoors but to everything we do.